Contact and Booking

Rádhé Resort & Syám Meditation and Events Center

Szafner Timea sales manager (individual and group bookings)

Phone: (+36) 20/429 3480


Address: 8699 Somogyvámos,
Táncsics M. u. 7.


Phone: (+36) 20/509-8373

Wedding organisation and information:

Schnitchen Advaita

(+36) 20 573 0839



Request a quote

Filling out this form is an easy way to get further information about our services. Send it in and our representative is going to get back to you in 24 hours.

Arrival date *:
Departure date *:
Type of accommodation:


Number of rooms:
Number of adults:
Number of children:
Name *:
Email *:
Phone *:
Comments (if any):

Marked (*) fields are mandatory