• Főépület
  • Környék
  • apartman
  • étterem
  • Jóga terem
  • apartmanok
  • étterem + rendezvényközpont

Zamárdi Adventure Park


Zamárdi Adventure Park

Zamárdi Adventure Park is located about 100 metres from Zamárdi-Felső train station and highway, in a marvellous 35.000 square metres park and offers visitors unlimited opportunities for recreational activities.

Ropes stretching between the ancient trees of Zamárdi Adventure Park facilitate varied obstacles and a one-and-a-half kilometres long zip-line offering an active, and exciting experience for kids and adults alike. Thrill seekers can keep themselves busy all day long here!





Szafner Timea sales manager (individual and group bookings)

Phone: (+36) 20/429 3480

E-mail: info@radheresort.hu

Address: 8699 Somogyvámos,
Táncsics M. u. 7.


Phone: (+36) 20/509-8373

Wedding organisation and information:

Schnitchen Advaita

(+36) 20 573 0839


TÓ.G.A. Ltd.
1039 Budapest, 54. Árpád u.
Location: 8699 Somogyvámos,
Táncsics M. u. 7.
Tax number: 12121924-2-41

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